La pendule d'Halloween / John Bellairs ; ill ... de Lalex ; trad. de l'anglais, États-Unis, par Nikou Tridon.
Material type:
- still image
- text
- unmediated
- volume
- 9782070537969
- 207053796X
- House with a clock in its walls. Français
Translation of: The house with a clock in its walls.
En venant habiter chez son oncle, Kévin ne s'attendait pas à se retrouver en compagnie de magiciens ... ni à vivre dans une maison hantée! Un jour, Kévin ressucite un mort pendant la nuit d'Halloween ...
When coming to live with his uncle, Kévin did not expect to find himself in the company of magicians ... or to live in a haunted house! One day, Kevin brings a dead man back to life on Halloween night...
In French, translated from the English.
31560000063624 10581
French juventle fiction (translated from American edition)
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