Thévenaz, Louis,

Faussaires d'autrefois / Louis Thévenaz ; [illustrated by Charles Humbert]. - 129 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Edité à l'occasion du 200ème anniversaire de la fondation de l'Administration du Bureau de contrôle de La Chaux-de-Fonds.

Analyse : Etude consacrée essentiellement aux faux-monnayeurs des Montagnes neuchâteloises, entre le XIVe s. et 1754, année où est publié un règlement pour le contrôle des ouvrages d'or et d'argent. Analysis: Study mainly devoted to the counterfeiters of the Neuchâtel Mountains, between the 14th c. and 1754, the year in which a regulation for the control of gold and silver works was published.

Counterfeiters--History--Switzerland--Neuchâtel--14th century.
Counterfeiters--History--Switzerland--Neuchâtel--15th century.
Counterfeiters--History--Switzerland--Neuchâtel--16th century.
Counterfeiters--History--Switzerland--Neuchâtel--17th century.
Counterfeiters--History--Switzerland--Neuchâtel--18th century.
Forgers--History--Switzerland--Neuchâtel--14th century.
Forgers--History--Switzerland--Neuchâtel--15th century.
Forgers--History--Switzerland--Neuchâtel--16th century.
Forgers--History--Switzerland--Neuchâtel--17th century.
Forgers--History--Switzerland--Neuchâtel--18th century.

History Switzerland Fakes assay Thevenaz Louis