Howse, Derek,

Greenwich time and the discovery of the longitude / Derek Howse. - xviii, 254 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 232-234) and index.

Seeking the longitude: 300 BC -- AD 1675 -- Greenwich time for astronomers: 1675-1720 -- Greenwich time for navigators: 1700-1840 -- Greenwich time for Great Britain: 1825-1880 -- A prime meridian 1790-1884 -- Greenwich time for the world: 1884-1939 -- A clock more accurate than the earth -- Appendices: I. Finding the longitude -- II. Time-finding by astronomy -- III. Mechanical and electrical clocks by Roger Stevenson -- IV. Modern precision clocks by John Pilkington -- V. Time-balls in operation, 1861 -- VI. International Meridian Conference, Washington, 1884.

Traces the astronomical, navigational, and timekeeping advances that led to the development of Greenwich time, the concept of longitude, and the designation of Greenwich as the prime meridian.

0192159488 9780192159489

£7.95 : CIP rev.


GB79 GB80 GB7927389 bnb B7927389

Royal Greenwich Observatory--History.
Royal Greenwich Observatory--History.
Royal Greenwich Observatory.
Royal Greenwich Observatory.

Time--Systems and standards.
Temps--Systèmes et normes.
Time--Systems and standards.

Time Measurement Role of Royal Greenwich Observatory, to 1978 Oxford University Press Howse, Derek meridien Greenwich longitude Marine Chronometer history Longitude Measurement Role of Royal Greenwich Observatory, to 1978
