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Cleugh, M. F., 1913-1986 (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Cleugh, M. F., 1913-1986
Used for/see from:
  • Cleugh, Mary Frances, 1913-1986
  • Earlier heading: Cleugh, Mary Frances

Her Time, and its importance in modern thought, 1937.

OCLC, Sept. 15, 2016 (usage: M.F. Cleugh)

Contemporary authors, volumes 1-4, first revision, 1967: (Mary F(rances) Cleugh, b. June 22, 1913)

FamilySearch, Sept. 15, 2016: England and Wales Death Registration Index 1837-2007 (Mary Frances Cleugh, b. June 22, 1913; death registed Oct/Nov/Dec quarter 1986)