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Manga (Genre/Form Term)

Preferred form: Manga
Used for/see from:
  • American manga
  • Amerimanga
  • English-language manga
  • Global manga
  • International manga
  • Manga-influenced comics
  • Manga-inspired comics
  • Manga-style comics
  • Neo-manga
  • Nissei comi
  • OEL manga
  • Original English-language manga
  • Story manga
  • Western manga
  • World manga
See also:

Work cat: Horikoshi, K. My hero academia. 19, School festival, 2019 (a long-running manga series from VIZ Media; series title "Shonen Jump manga") OCoLC(1272600321)

Nogiri, Y. Love in focus. Volume 1, 2019 (a manga series from Kodansha Comics) OCoLC(1310477231)

Chan, Q. The dreaming : the collection, 2010 (an OEL manga by Chinese-Australian author Queenie Chan, published by Tokyopop) OCoLC(606763915)

Yahgulanaas, M. Red : a Haida manga, 2014 (summary: "blends traditional Haida imagery with Japanese manga") OCoLC(994056253)

Oxford English dictionary, viewed May 23, 2022 (manga: "A Japanese genre of cartoons and comic books, drawn in a meticulously detailed style, usually featuring characters with distinctive large, staring eyes"; "In extended use, denoting cartoons in this style from other countries")

Art and architecture thesaurus, viewed May 17, 2022 ("Manga (Comic books)", in hierarchy of "Comics by form"; "often produced in black and white, with the cover or the first few pages in color, with emphasis on exaggerated facial expressions and large eyes")

Sears list of subject headings, 22nd edition, 2018: p. 596 (Manga: "Use for individual works, collections, or materials about manga")

BISAC Subject Headings List, Comics and Graphic Novels, viewed May 17, 2022 ("Use subjects beginning 'COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS / Manga' for works initially published in Asian territories, or for works published in the style of such Asian works"; vocabulary contains 21 terms for types of manga)

Brienza, C. Manga in America, 2016: p. 11 ("The vast majority of manga published in Japan are, in the strictest sense, what is known as story manga. Story manga tell a continuous story over a large number of pages"; "the word 'manga' is typically used by English speakers to refer to exclusively Japanese story manga. Moverover, it connotes certain stereotypes about specific types of narrative and artistic content")

Kaczuk, Z. Re-examining the "What is manga" problematic. Arts, vol. 7, no. 3 (Sept. 2018), viewed May 23, 2022 (distinctive style of manga includes "elements of character design, morphemes, or symbols and paneling" that are "specific to manga" including "people drawn with big eyes, big hair, small mouths, and pointed chins" and a "unique distribution of panel transitions")

Original English-language manga, via Wikipedia, viewed May 17, 2022 ("an original English-language manga or OEL manga is a comic book or graphic novel drawn in the style of manga and originally published in English"; "international manga" is also a term used to describe "manga-inspired comics" in various languages and from various countries outside Japan; "Original English-language manga first began to appear in the U.S. in the mid-1980s"; sometimes also called "American manga" and shortened to "Amerimanga"; "Other variations on OEL manga, such as western manga, world manga, global manga, manga-influenced comics, neo-manga, and nissei comi can occasionally be heard as substitute names, but the term OEL manga is most commonly used today")

Webb, M. Manga by any other name is... : do Japan's world-conquering cartoons have to be created by Japanese to be the real deal?, May 28, 2006, via Wayback machine, viewed May 17, 2022 (manga "usually used in reference to Japanese comics characterized by a set of stylistic conventions that evolved in the postwar period. These include exaggerated physical features such as large eyes, big hair and elongated limbs; right-to-left panel sequencing; and dramatically shaped speech bubbles, speed lines and onomatopoetic, exclamatory typography"; "origins as a fusion of ukiyo-e (traditional woodblock prints) and Western forms of sequential art"; "more and more manga is now being created outside of Japan--and by non-Japanese artists," including "Warcraft" which is "written by an American and illustrated by a Korean, and Fred Gallagher's 'Megatokyo'"; "publishers like Tokyopop are bringing out titles in manga style by non-Japanese artists"; "manga-style stories")

Comics employing a set of Japanese stylistic conventions such as black and white illustrations, right-to-left panel orientation, stylized character design with exaggerated features and expressions, dramatically shaped speech bubbles, speed lines, and onomatopoetic and exclamatory typography.

Established November 2022.