Yearbooks (Genre/Form Term)
- Annuals (Yearbooks)
- Year books
- Broader heading: Commemorative works
- Broader heading: Serial publications
The ALA glossary of library and information science, 1983 (yearbook: An annual compendium of facts and statistics of the preceding year, frequently limited to a special subject. Compare with almanac (1))
Genre terms : a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging, via WWW, July 30, 2014 (Yearbooks. Use for annual compendia of facts and statistics of the preceding year, frequently limited to a special subject. BT Periodicals; Reference works)
Reitz, J.M. ODLIS : online dictionary for library and information science, July 30, 2014 (yearbook: An annual documentary, historical, or memorial compendium of facts, photographs, statistics, etc., about the events of the preceding year, often limited to a specific country, institution, discipline, or subject. Optional yearbooks are offered by some publishers of general encyclopedias. Also spelled year book. Compare with annual. Also refers to an annual high school or college publication commemorating a particular school year or graduating class in photographs, usually sold in hardcover to seniors by advance special order at the end of the school year.)
Art & architecture thesaurus online, July 30, 2014 (yearbooks. UF year books. Books published annually as a compendium, report, or summary of the statistics or facts of a calendar year and intended as reference books, limited to a special subject.)
Görlach, M. An alphabetical list of English text types, in Text types and the history of English, c2004: p. 88 (yearbook 1 book of records of cases, 2 annual publication by a society etc.)