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Printers' marks (Topical Term)

Preferred form: Printers' marks
Used for/see from:
  • Devices, Printers'
  • Devices, Publishers'
  • Marks, Printers'
  • Marks, Publishers'
  • Printers' devices
  • Publishers' devices
  • Publishers' marks
  • Typographical devices
See also:

Printing and Publishing Evidence: Thesauri for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloging, via WWW, March 20, 2018 (Authorized: Printers' devices. Used For: Devices, Printers'. Used For: Devices, Publishers'. Used For: Printers' marks. Used For: Publishers' devices. Broader Term: Printer identification (Gathering term; do not assign). Broader Term: Publisher identification (Gathering term; do not assign)

Reitz, J.M. ODLIS : online dictionary for library and information science, March 20, 2018 (definition of "printer's mark": "A device printed in a book to identify its printer, in the same way that a publisher's mark represents the publisher ... Some early printer's marks include a motto"; reference from "printer's device"; definition of "publisher's mark": "A device printed in a book to identify its publisher, in the same way that a printer's mark represents the printer ... Some early publisher's marks included a motto ... Synonymous with publisher's device"; reference from "publisher's device")

McKerrow, Ronald B. Printers' & publishers' devices in England & Scotland, 1485-1640, 1913

Zappella, G. Le marche dei tipografi e degli editori italiani del Cinquecento, 1986 (Title translates as "Italian sixteenth-century printers' and publishers' marks")

Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books), via WWW, March 20, 2018 (in glossary: "Device. A printed design, generally symbolic, emblematic, or pictorial rather than textual, used to identify a printer, bookseller, or publisher. To be distinguished from a logo that renders a name as a stylized, primarily textual design")

Silvestre, L.-C. Marques typographiques, ou, Recueil des monogrammes, chiffres, enseignes, emblèmes, devises, rébus et fleurons des libraires et imprimeurs qui ont exercé en France depuis l'introduction de l'imprimerie en 1470 jusqu'à la fin du seizième siècle, 1867 (Title translates as "Typographical marks, or Collection of monograms, ciphers, signs, emblems, devices, rebuses and ornaments of booksellers and printers who practiced in France from the introduction of printing in 1470 until the end of the sixteenth century")

Davies, Hugh Wm. Devices of the early printers, 1457-1560, 1935.